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Pete’s Virtual Travel Tour has been a blast! We are currently taking our residents and staff across the globe, and everyone is having a lovely time exploring! Please do check out PrimeLife’s social media pages for updates, and past posts! @PrimeLifeUK on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.   In the month of April, we took Pete across [...]
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  Victory in Europe Day, or VE Day as it is more commonly known, is celebrated yearly, and this year saw the 75th anniversary! It has been 75 years since King George announced the end of World War II in Europe, with Germany unconditionally surrendering on Tuesday 8th May 1945. The day is celebrated in honor of everyone [...]
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Audrey Hinch hosted a coffee afternoon at The Mount care home. This was something she wanted to organise as part of her 2019 goals.
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February 1st is National Dignity in Action Day where dignity and respect for all is celebrated. Residents and staff at The Mount have created a dignity tree with each stem of the tree quoting clients views about the service they receive. It is lovely to hear what our residents are saying about what they value about Prime Life and how [...]
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The residents at the Hollies enjoyed a 3-course meal at the Snipe. They had a lovely time.
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Lutterworth Country House has recently received a new garden lounge created as part of the TLC Project ( forward thinking environments for dementia friendly spaces). We are sure the the resident’s will love it! [...]
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A huge thank you to all who made crafts, donated prizes and attended our Christmas fayre. We have raised a whopping £429.59 for our residents fund. I literally could not be prouder of my team! They all worked together to put on an amazing event enjoyed by the community, friends, family and guests from the fieldings and Oakdene! [...]
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Homes across PrimeLife have been taking part in the Alzheimer’s Society ‘Elf Day’ to have a bit of festive fun and raise money for a good cause. Here are some photos from Lyndon Croft, Fir Close and Phoenix Park.
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