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01162746404 (Mon - Fri, 8:30 - 5pm)
  With every new year, goals are created; usually, as positive changes to be made throughout the year. On average new year, resolutions fail by the second week of February; many of us set high goals that quickly become overwhelming due to lack of planning, which may lead to a lack of [...]
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The past year has been unconventional to say the least. Prime Life, and its staff and residents have done their best to stay positive when and where they can, and we wanted to share some of our favourite moments of the year with you all!   In January, the company was honored to be nominated within [...]
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International Men’s Day is celebrated globally, and is “an opportunity for people everywhere   of goodwill to appreciate and celebrate the men in their lives and the contribution they make to society for the greater good of all.” This year’s theme is ‘better health for men and boys’. The three core themes for International Men’s Day [...]
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Last month we celebrated Black History Month, a global understanding and celebration of black history, culture and a more. In the UK, it was first observed in the late 1980s, where the aim was to combat racism via education of black history, and since it has become an annual celebration of the achievements of the black community as [...]
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Since 2003, World Suicide Prevention Day has been observed to help raise awareness, and create a worldwide commitment and take action to prevent suicide. Sadly, every 40 seconds, a person dies from suicide . This year the theme for World Suicide Prevention Day is ‘Working Together to Prevent Suicide’. The current climate has had [...]
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A huge thank you to every member of the PrimeLife Workforce! We appreciate everything each you have been doing whilst being with the company, and we are so proud to call you part of the PrimeLife Family!   Every month, each of the PrimeLife homes nominates members of staff that they believe have been especially outstanding; [...]
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A huge thank you to everyone who followed Pete across the world during May and June 2020!   With the travel ban in place due to COVID-19, and the success of the virtual national travel tour with Pete, it seemed only fitting we took Pete on a virtual global tour! Pete travelled virtually to each 6 [...]
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  Carer’s Week took place this week, 8th – 14th June 2020; the week is dedicated to ‘Making Caring Visible’.   “A carer is someone who provides unpaid care and support to a family member or friend who has a disability, mental or physical illness, substance misuse issue or who needs extra help as they grow [...]
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