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Residents at The Hollies made their own kites for International Kite Day. One resident showed the others how to make their kites even better. Unfortunately, the wind was not on our side, but all the residents had fun and some even said that the activities brought back childhood memories. The kites were then hung in the trees to show off [...]
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Recently, Barons Park and Firlands were put through their paces with their annual I-Care Inspections. I-Care inspections are undertaken by the CCG (Health) to assess the quality of nursing services. The inspection process is usually very tough, so we’d like to congratulate the teams at both homes for for achieving scores of 96%.
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Manager Sandra Robinson and her team at Southfield House saved a residents life through their prompt response recently. A resident was taken seriously ill and the actions of Sandra and her team enabled medical assistance to be summoned quickly. We are pleased to report that the resident is doing well after receiving emergency treatment. Sandra was very humble about her [...]
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Our appreciation goes out to the staff at Firlands for holding an incredible Christmas party! [...]
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Residents and staff At Westerlands Care Centre in Brough have been having fun today with Ruth Strangeways from ‘Motivation to Music’. Singing, clapping, tapping along and dancing were the order of the day. No dull January days for our residents! Its lovely to be able to share their joy.
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Photos of recent events at The Hollies, including shortbread making day, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Eve.
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Santa visited the residents at St Michaels over Christmas.
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Looks like everyone had fun at Kirklees this Christmas.
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