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01162746404 (Mon - Fri, 8:30 - 5pm)

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The month of April has been different to say the least, but we hope you are all safe and sound!


Travel is a huge part of our lives, whether it be a commute to work, a trip to the shops or a holiday! For our residents and staff, this uncertainty and need to be safe and stay home, has meant any short trips were cancelled, and so our head office team put their heads together and brainstormed the idea of a virtual travel tour, where PrimeLife’s Pete travelled to some amazing UK landmarks (virtually).


It has been incredible to see the residents and staff get involved, be creative and reminisce about their trips to these places! We posted them online daily, so please do checkout our social media pages at the bottom on the page to see how much fun everyone had!


It has been a pleasure to be able to share these virtual trips with everyone on our social media channels, as well as see how much everyone has enjoyed it! It is incredible to see how the residents and staff have enjoyed the national travel tour, and we can’t wait to bring them the virtual global tour throughout May 2020!


We invite you to keep a look out every week for a new destination, and daily for updates on how the residents are enjoying their time away, on our social media channels!


Facebook, Instagram and Twitter: @PrimeLifeUK