Oakdene provides for 40 residents whose needs are focused on their mental health. The home can also accommodate residents with physical disabilities. Accommodation is supplied in single en-suite bedrooms.
Key Features
Oakdene is based next to local parkland, just a short walk from local shops and amenities, and approximately one mile from the centre of Mansfield.
- All single-room accommodation
- En-suite bathrooms
- Themed American Diner
- Arcade room with American pool table
- Oakdene’s picture House Cinema Room
- Large landscaped gardens with decked seating area
- Street-themed entrance hall.
- Summer House
- Wheelchair access
- Digital TV aerial points in every room
- Annual refurbishment programme
Oakdene offers all single-room accommodations, some of which offer particularly large “bed sitting” areas, the vast majority offering en-suite toilet and sink. Oakdene also offers adapted bathing facilities for residents with physical disabilities.
The service at Oakdene allows residents to receive care and support concerning their mental health needs, supporting residents who wish to retain or regain significant levels of independence the opportunity to do so. Many residents are currently taking part in vocational training courses, our emphasis is on supporting residents to achieve personal goals as opposed to a traditional style of care delivery.
Oakdene provides an in-house monthly activity programme including trips and outings to places of interest chosen by residents living at Oakdene.
All residents are encouraged to be involved in aspects of the home such as activity planning, menu planning and decisions around décor etc. All residents are encouraged to attend the resident's meetings to discuss these issues.
Oakdene provides one-to-one activities with residents planning their activity programme, developed for them to be as independent as they wish. We assist those who wish to work towards furthering their independent skills, such as cooking, budgeting, and maintaining their personal space.
All residents are encouraged to make their personal space their own by bringing in their personal effects.
Oakdene is located in North Nottinghamshire, close to the centre of Mansfield, with good access to local shops and amenities including hairdressers, takeaways, pubs and restaurants, GP and local parks all within walking distance.
Prospective Residents
Prospective residents of Oakdene will be encouraged to view all available vacant accommodations and visit for a trial day. In advance of a place being offered, an individual care plan assessment focusing on individual choice and needs will be structured, with an emphasis on the involvement of the individual to focus on developing their skills and regaining a sense of purpose and independence.
Our Team
Oakdene employs approximately 30 staff all of whom are trained in the key aspects of care delivery, to ensure the provision of a safe, quality service to our client group.
Our staff also benefit from a vocational training programme and are regularly supported by our Quality Matters Team to embark upon specialist mental health training, with an emphasis on internal promotion and staff development.
Full details of the training undertaken by our staff can be obtained from the Home Manager.