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In the UK there are around 850,000 people living with dementia. However, it often affects not only the individual living with the condition but also their friends and family. With predictions that one in three people over 65 will develop dementia, it’s likely everyone will be affected by it at some point in their life. Dementia usually occurs in people [...]
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PrimeLife said goodbye to a long standing QCF Assessor Maureen Turner, who retired today after a long career in nursing and assessing. We’d like to wish her a very happy, relaxing retirement! Maureen initially trained as a cadet nurse and successfully progressed through the ranks, from staff nurse to ward sister. In 1987, she qualified as a Registered Nurse Teacher [...]
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The staff and residents of Mill House, situated in Fakenham in Norfolk, had a lovely surprise last month – in the shape of a letter from Buckingham Palace!   Back in June, Stacey and the team at Mill House thought it would be a great idea to send [...]
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A pioneering staff training programme about dementia will be rolled out nationally across our group of care homes following a dementia-themed virtual reality workshop pilot held at our head office in Leicester. We commissioned Training2care’s virtual reality tour in response to former Prime Minister David Cameron’s pledge to boost dementia research last year, who also said he wanted provide better [...]
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Choosing a care home for your loved one can be a daunting decision. There are a whole myriad of things to consider, and while it may not top the list, the location of your prospective care home can have a significant impact on the experience a resident, and their family, has during their time living there. PrimeLife enjoy being able [...]
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In celebration of the Queen’s official 90th birthday last month, a number of our homes held events to mark this momentous occasion. At Beechlands, located in Clarendon Park in Leicester, the residents and staff successfully hosted a street party on Central Avenue on 12th June. They took part in a range of games and activities including an egg and spoon [...]
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With the good weather truly upon us, many of our residents have been venturing out for day trip and Little Acres recently visited the seaside town of Whitby. As well as a boat trip along the river the group also went on a number of short walks and visited the RNLU Whitby Museum. Here the residents really enjoyed learning about [...]
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It has been an exciting year for PrimeLife and a period of great change: from being recognized as one of the top 20 Care Providers in the UK to the expansion of our Quality Matters Team and the application of the national living wage. In light of all these developments, we could not find a more appropriate time to take [...]
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