Knitting for a good cause at Peaker Park
Posted on October 16, 2015
A knitting group at our Peaker Park home in Market Harborough has decided to knit for charity.
The group has been going strong for 10 months now and it is open to anyone at the home who enjoys knitting. Margaret, Pat and Elizabeth [pictured below] are just three of our most enthusiastic residents, who come together with the rest of the group 3 times a week in order to plan new projects.
They decided to knit for charity when the home’s activity co-ordinator came across the ‘Knit for Peace’ and ‘Knit a Square’ campaigns. Both charities accept knitted garments that are then sent to people who really need them. Knit for Peace concentrates on helping homeless refugees whilst Knit a Square collects knitted squares that are then made into hats, jumpers or other useful items for orphans in Africa and other areas overseas.
Peaker Park’s knitting group has always enjoyed making blankets for their fellow residents so this global cause was something they wanted to get involved with.
Most recently the group knitted over 50 squares, 53 stitches wide, which Pat’s daughter then crocheted together to make a blanket. They are now in the process of their next project and will alternate between the charities.
Click here for more information on Knit for Peace and Knit a Square, as well as finding more information about Peaker Park here.