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A Week at PrimeLife 17th – 23rd October 2022

Monday 17th


Stoneygate Oaklands in Leicester

We received this outstanding review on! A massive well done to the incredible staff team 👏👏
“My dad struggled to find an appropriate place until we came across Oaklands, and the team there have provided him with great care and support through some challenging times.
I never thought he would settle in a care home, but he seems very at home there.
The manager, seniors and staff are very supportive of me as well as my dad, always keeping me in the loop and helping me to help my dad.
It gives me great peace of mind to know my dad is somewhere he is happy, safe, supported and well cared for”

Riversway in Bristol

We helped the residents to make these beautiful crepes paper roses. First, we chose our colours for the roses then once we had made them we added our own choice of essential oils so they would smell lovely. Whilst we worked we all enjoyed a good chat about our favourite flowers, and of course, we had tea and cakes.

Oakdene in Mansfield

We said goodbye to our wonderful Missy. You were an integral part of our home and family and will be missed immensely. We all love you, Missy Moo Moo! Three of our lovely ladies out and about, enjoying some time together!

Kirklees in Grimsby

We have been getting the home ready for Halloween. The residents got together and made some spooky ghosts out of recycled milk cartons which we used to decorate trees outside with them. We think they look fantasticly spooooky!  

Tuesday 18th


Oakdene in Mansfield

We received this outstanding review on! A massive well done to the incredible staff team 👏👏
“Good level of care, very clean and well organised. Great facilities for residents, good food. Accommodation good.”
Cinema Club time, this week James Bond, Casino Royal. It’s a classic now, Daniel Craig’s first outing and we love it. Happy Birthday, to Maxine, we hope you enjoy your holiday from work! Also, a big Good Luck to Karen, who has joined the wonderful team at The Fielding. We are all going to miss you, Karen!

Riversway in Bristol

We had lots of fun with some Karaoke! We sang along to songs we all remembered from years ago, we also got the lyrics on the big iPad so we could all have a go at singing just in case we forgot the words. We had the pompoms out, everyone had such a brilliant time. After, we enjoyed cakes and soft drinks.

Wednesday 19th


Chamberlaine Court in Bedworth

Congratulations to this month’s Employee of the Month, Cherise Murray!
You are an outstanding team member, always going above and beyond. Thank you for all your hard work.

Riversway in Bristol

  Riversway cinema is back! We watched a classic, Mary Poppins, one of our old-time favourites, such a lovely film. We enjoyed ice cream while we snuggled in the warm.  

Oakdene in Mansfield

A few of us took a trip to Mansfield for a bit of shopping followed by a visit to the library. The library was nice and peaceful, we got a good chance to have a look through some books and magazines.  

Stoneygate Oaklands in Leicester

We had the wonderful Animal Lady visit, who brought in Pets for the residents to hold and tame. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed having them in the home and are looking forward to the next visit.  

Thursday 20th


Oakdene in Mansfield

We went pumpkin picking! There was plenty to choose from so we managed to get a wide range of sizes. We are very excited to get carving.  

Riversway in Bristol

Leslie wanted to take a visit back to his local cafe for breakfast, Lisa joined him and they had a lovely morning.
He got to see some of his close friends again.
After they looked around the shops and enjoyed a nice chat along the way.
They are looking forward to their next trip together.

Chamberlaine Court in Bedworth

Our Residents had a wonderful afternoon with Creative Mojo making a Halloween picture. Jesse was our Winner and loved showing off his certificate!  

Friday 21st


Riversway in Bristol

We played the magnetic fishing game with Harry, June, Bridget, and Ann. All had good coordination and had fun playing the game, with lots of laughs.    

Oakdene in Mansfield

We had our lovely hairdresser come in for a visit. Our residents got a fresh new style and a few had a colour change. Everyone felt so good after!    

Saturday 22nd


Riversway in Bristol

Linda helped Victoria make this beautiful yellow paper Rose.
Yellow is Victoria’s favourite colour she was very pleased with it and will put it in her room.

Oakdene in Mansfield

It might have started to cool down, but nothing beats an ice cream from the ice cream van!

Sunday 23rd

  Oakdene in Mansfield We visited a local farm yard where we were allowed to feed and hold some of their animals. It was such a brilliant day out, everyone loved the animals.  

Riversway in Bristol

We started our Halloween Bakes and made this clever piñata cake.
We enjoyed soft music and falling autumn leaves on the big iPad.
We all had a very enjoyable afternoon having tea and cakes.
Homes Mentioned